Non Compete Agreement Attorney

Each employee`s case is unique, and a number of factors influence whether you should sign a non-compete agreement: non-compete obligations often contain non-compete provisions that prevent employees of (a) the company`s customers or prospects from doing business with another company, and/or (b) current or recently deceased employees of the company, join another company. If you take a position with a competitor of an employer with whom you have a non-compete obligation, your employer may take legal action against you and/or your new employer to enforce the agreement. The court may issue an injunction or injunction that may prevent you from working in your new workplace. Your former employer may also claim damages for losses resulting from your breach of the non-compete obligation (e.g. B loss of customer profits, loss of confidential business information or trade secrets). However, it should be noted that the court will not enforce a non-compete obligation if you have been involuntarily terminated. On the other hand, an appropriate non-compete obligation in terms of time and geography is applied to prevent the disclosure of trade secrets or confidential business information by the employee, as well as in situations where the employee`s role is considered unique or special. Ultimately, the court will seek to balance the need to protect the employer`s legitimate business interests with the employee`s need to continue earning a living. What can I do if my former employer tries to enforce an unfair non-compete obligation? Across the country, state laws range from a few restrictions on the terms of non-compete clauses to banning them in North Dakota and California. It is possible to work in Texas but have a non-compete clause that is subject to the laws of another state. It`s always a good idea to seek advice from an experienced labor attorney in Austin regarding a non-compete obligation.

A non-compete obligation is generally inapplicable if the company dismisses the employee without giving reasons. In these circumstances, the courts consider that it is fundamentally unfair for an employer to dismiss an employee and then try to impose these restrictions on him after the end of the employment relationship. What is reasonable depends on the facts and circumstances of the case. An employer who wants to enforce a non-compete obligation has the burden of proving that it is appropriate. At Crawford & Crawford, our lawyers can assess the terms of a non-compete obligation to determine whether it is enforceable and whether reasonable consideration has been provided. To discuss your case, contact Crawford & Crawford`s employment lawyers today. Today, it is common for employees to sign a non-compete clause as a condition of their employment. While non-compete obligations are intended to protect an employer`s confidential business information, these agreements can also unfairly restrict employees` future career opportunities and expose them to legal obligations.

If you have any questions about whether or not you should sign a non-compete agreement or whether an existing non-compete obligation is enforceable, you should consult an employment lawyer. HKM Employment Attorneys LLP in St. Louis has a proven track record of managing non-compete and solicitation prohibitions. By combining a national reach with a personalized approach, HKM Employment Attorneys can serve as a champion in a lawsuit against companies of all shapes and sizes. If you need legal assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us today for assistance. In the past, under the old law, a non-compete obligation could be established for a variety of reasons. Often, these agreements have been declared null and void because one or more aspects of their restrictions have been deemed inappropriate. For example, if the duration was too long, the geographical scope too large or the limited activity too wide. For more information, please visit our Non-Compete Obligations – Frequently Asked Questions page. If you are having difficulty dealing with a non-competition clause or a non-solicitation clause, HKM Employment Attorneys can help you understand the details and work towards a positive solution to your case. HKM Employment Attorneys has experience in protecting workers from companies of different sizes and from all sectors.

Contact us today to work on recovery. Whether you`re considering signing a non-compete agreement, have already signed and are considering leaving your job, or are in litigation, strong legal advice can help you understand the impact of the agreement and your legal options, and give you a better basis for deciding how to proceed. At Ross • Scalise Employment Lawyers, our hourly rate for these consultations is very affordable. Contact us today for information and support. The first step we take to resolve a dispute between a former employee and a former employer is to negotiate a compromise. What does the former employer really need to protect? Is the employee really looking for a job that hurts the former employer? Can the work that the employee undertakes be limited within the new company in order to satisfy the employer? As non-competing lawyers, we try to reach an agreement that saves both parties the costs and hassle of a legal dispute. Most often, arrangements can be made as long as employers and employees are adequate. A non-compete obligation, sometimes called a restrictive agreement, prohibits an employee from working for an employer`s competitors in a geographical area for a certain period after the end of the employment relationship, which is usually between 6 months and 2 years. In addition, the employee undertakes not to create a business competing with the employer`s business or to debauch the employer`s customers. If you face a lawsuit for a non-compete clause, sometimes called a restrictive agreement, you need to act quickly because your former employer may be trying to prevent you from working in your new workplace. If you violate a non-compete clause or non-solicitation clause, your former employer could sue you (and your new employer) to enforce the agreement and, if they win, to obtain monetary damages and other remedies, including forfeiture of profits made in a competing business, an order that prevents you from working for your new employer, and requires you to pay your former employer`s legal fees. In other words, a mistake in this area could have a serious impact on your ability to make a living.

There are several ways in which non-compete obligations can affect parties as soon as an employee leaves a company. If the employee finds another job, the former employer may have a claim or sue the employee to get them to leave the new job. If the new employer requires an old non-compete obligation, it may refuse to hire the person, and therefore a person may have great difficulty finding work. There are three fundamental things that employment lawyers (especially non-compete obligations) face in these circumstances. The first is to negotiate with the former employer or employee. Another is when the former employer sues a former employee who violates a non-compete obligation. The third is when the former employee sues the employer for the non-compete obligation to be declared invalid by a court. The latter is called an action for declaratory judgment. A non-compete clause protects an employer`s legitimate business interests, but it can feel like it`s punishing you, the employee. A non-compete clause can make it incredibly difficult for you to find another meaningful job in your area of expertise and expertise.

Before signing a non-compete agreement, you should speak to our experienced employment lawyers. We will review the agreement to make sure it is not too restrictive and, if necessary, negotiate with your employer to arrive at more favorable terms for you. If you are already working under a non-compete obligation and are considering leaving your workplace, it may also be possible to receive a letter from your employer exempting you from the terms of the agreement. We also regularly take these issues to court. Employers should be aware that we also represent companies in drafting employment contracts to ensure that their legitimate business interests are protected by legally enforceable agreements. Please contact our office today to speak to our labour lawyers. .